
Yuvakshetra’s Reflection on Vision 2020: Published

Yuvakshetra's Reflection on Vision 2020 - Cover PageYuvakshetra’s Reflection on Vision 2020 was released on 11th August 2020 by the Most Reverend Bishop Mar Jacob Manathodath. The function was blessed with the presence of Auxiliary bishop Mar Peter Kochupurakkal, Fr. Joseph Chitilappilli,  our Management team and other priests of the diocese.

His Excellency,Bishop Manathodath published the book. Principal Dr. Tomy Antony addressed the gathering. All of them commended the worthiness of the book.

A heartfelt congratulation and thanks to  Management and all the currently working as well as the relieved  staff members. Special congratulations to all the authors. I appreciate your positive attitude and diligence.

“Great teachers create great citizens”- Dr.A.P.J Abdul Kalam

Be a Great Teacher and mould Great Citizens.

Congratulations to the entire YIMS team as this is a milestone in the history of the College.

Yuvakshetra's Reflection on Vision 2020