
World Hindi Day Celebration 2022- January 10, 2022


The department of Hindi is very much proud to present the report on World Hindi day celebration 2022. World Hindi day (January 10) is celebrated to promote Hindi language at the global stage. The department conducted Online poster making competition and Debate .
The Department of Hindi succesfully organised the inauguration ceremony of World Hindi day celebrations on 10th January 2022 . Ms Divya N K (Asst professor , Hindi) delivered the Welcome speech . Rev.Dr.Mathew George Vazhayil (Director , YIMS) delivered the presidential address and Dr.Tomy Antony (Principal,YIMS) inaugurated the function . Rev.Dr.Lalu Olikkal (Vice Principal,YIMS)felicitated the session . After the felicitation , Prize distributions of various Hindi competitions were held . After that , II BA/BSc students showcased their talents through various programmes like skit , recitation , quiz etc . In connection with world Hindi day celebration students conducted a Flashmob also .

In connection with this, the department organized a poster making competition. The theme given for Poster was ‘भविष्य में मंगल ग्रह: हमारा संकल्प’. The participants were given the necessary instructions and guidelines for the competition. They were asked to send their posters within 10th to 16th January to the department E-mail id. We were surprised to see the creativity of our students and they participated with great enthusiasm .  First prize was won by ADITHYAN D (II BSc Geography), Second prize was won by AARYA MENON ( II BSc Physics ) and Third prize was shared between M CHANDANA ( II BSc Mathematics) and FARSANA P S (II B.Sc Geography) .

The department also conducted a debate competition for the students of I BSc CS/BCA  . The debate topic was ‘बच्चों को बेचैन करता है सोशल मीडिया का अतिरेक – सहमत है या नहीं’ | They actively participated in the debate and they raised their opinions and explained their points with different examples. Three  best speakers were selected on the basis of consistency, relevance, body language, effectiveness and clarity. First prize was won by MEENAKSHI AMBADI ( I BSC CS ) , second prize was won by ABHISHEK UNNIKRISHNAN ( I BCA ) and third prize was won by VEENA V NAIR ( I BCA ).


World Hindi day celebration was successfully completed.