
Workshop on “Introducing Literature” at Yuvakshetra

_DSC1281IQAC, in association with, the Department of English at Yuvakshetra Institute of Management Studies organized one day workshop on “Introducing Literature”- the newly introduced core text for first year BA English students under the University of Calicut, on 28 September 2019 at Symphony Auditorium in the campus. The workshop, exclusively meant for the faculties of various affiliated colleges was inaugurated by the chief guest and the resource person of the day Dr. Zahira Rahman, Retd. Associate Professor, S. S. College, Areecode. The function was presided over by Rev. Fr. Shyju Pariyath, Assistant Director, YIMS. Rev. Fr. Dr. Lalu Olikkal, Vice Principal felicitated the event. Dr. Shyjee P V, Head, Department of English welcomed the gathering and Miss. Grace Aganice, Assistant Professor proposed the vote of thanks. After the inaugural function, Dr. Zahira Rahman, who is one of the authors of the text, led the workshop through an interactive mode. The workshop witnessed an active participation of English faculties belonging to the various arts and science colleges affiliated to the University of Calicut. The workshop turned out to be very effective, as the participants remarked that they got an opportunity to get familiarized with the content and the various modes through which it could be imparted to the learners in the classrooms.