
Workshop on ‘Forensic psychological evaluation on Koodathayi murder case’


John Houde once remarked, about the forensic sciences, that, “No doubt every crime scene is a disaster for someone; it’s only a question of scope.” Several questions were raised and even more interesting answers conquered them, during the one-day workshop conducted by Team InPsyght on ‘Forensic psychological evaluation on Koodathayi murder case’, on 2nd November 2019. A team of 45 students from Ist, IInd and IIIrd BSc Psychology attended the workshop at Nalanda Auditorium, Kozhikode, accompanied by Department of Psychology HOD, Mr Jith George and Assistant professors Ms Aparna Sreevalsan and Ms Christina Mariam Chacko. The session was conducted by resource person and chief guest, Mr. Mebin Wilson Thomas, Forensic Psychologist at Jain (Deemed-to-be-University). The workshop commenced at 10.00am and was delivered in two different sessions. The first session forayed into forensic investigative techniques such as cyanide toxicity, conducting the Lee Jones test, and post-mortem forensic assessment. The second session delved into understanding the diagnostic nomenclature of antisocial personality disorder and psychopathy, as well as psychological profiling of the prime accused in the infamous case. The workshop served as an important platform to raise awareness of several monumental issues, in the field of forensic psychology, using the Koodathayi murder case as a model. It was of immense interest and help to students, especially in attaining academic knowledge. The trip came to an end with a leisurely visit to Kozhikode beach, and the local areas of interest. The forensic workshop instilled a keen understanding of criminal proceedings, law and forensic psychology among the students and faculties alike, and was a tremendous learning experience.