

As part of Women Empowerment, a training programme on self defence for girl students was organised by women cell of Yuvakshetra College and was conducted by Kerala Police, Women Cell, Palakkad. The three days programme was scheduled from July 4th to July 6th. The inaugural session was at Sophia Theatre on July 4th, 12 PM. The session started with prayer and Ms. Sreeja  T.S, co-ordinator welcomed the gathering. Presidential Address was carried out by Rev. Dr. Mathew George Vazhayil, Director of YIMS. Ms. Meenakumari, Circle Inspector of Police inaugurated the session and delivered the keynote address. Dr. Tomy Antony, Principal and Rev. Dr. Lalu Olikkal, Vice Principal felicitated the function. Ms. Smin Rose of IInd B.Sc Geography conveyed vote of thanks.WEP

The training session was scheduled from 1:30PM to 3:30PM for three days. Students from IInd BA English(25), IInd Bsc Geography(19), IInd B.Sc Mathematics(17) attended the session. Trainers were Ms. Ambili(CPO), Ms Ushas CPO), Ms. Priya CPO), and Ms. Parameswari CPO) from kerala police women cell. Staff members Ms.Sreeja T.S, Ms. Sowmya K.N, MS Divya N.K, Ms Christeena Mariam Chacko, Ms. Jisha Sankar assisted the session. The programme was effective and successful. A memento was handover to the trainers as a token of love by Vice Principal Rev. Dr. Lalu Olikkal.

The second session was scheduled from July 18 to July 20. The inaugural session held at Sophia Theatre on July18 at 11:30 AM. The programme started with prayer and Ms. Sreeja T.S co-ordinator welcomed the gathering. Presidential Address was by Rev. Dr. Mathew George Vazhayil, Director YIMS. Ms. Meenakumari Circle Inspector, Women Cell, Kerala Police delivered awareness speech on Women empowerment. Ms. Anjitha IInd B.Sc. Psychology conveyed vote of thanks.

The training was scheduled from 1:30 PM to 3:30PM on Thursday and Friday. On Saturday it was a full day programme from 9:30 AM to 3:30PM. Second batch trainers Ms. Parameswari, Ms. Jameela, Msa. Marleena, Civil police officers, Women cell, Kerala police arranged demo and practice session. Students from IInd BBA (22), IInd B.Sc. CS (15), IInd B.Sc Psychology(33), IInd BCA (8) and IInd B.Com CA (32) participated in the training. Students gave the feedback that the programme had enhanced their confidence level to face hazardous situations.