
Webinar on -“Scope and Opportunities of a Data Analyst in the job Market”- November 26, 2020



The Department of Computer Science has conducted a Webinar – “Scope and Opportunities of a Data Analyst in the Job Market”, on 26th Nov 2020 from 11:00-12:00 pm for UG students, in collaboration with EduBridge India. The main vision of this webinar is to provide the scope and demand of a Data Analyst in the job market. Through this webinar, the Participants could get deep into the subject Data Analytics and choose it as a career option. Total of 264 participants were registered from various Colleges. The registered community consist of students and teachers from various College, as it was organized for final year students only. The topic was highly relevant for all.

The webinar was hosted in ZOOM platform, Resource The session was lead by Resource Person Mr. Shailendra singh, Vice President, Corporate Communications and Sustainability at EXL, in which 130 participants were presented for the same. After session, feedbacks from the participants were collected by providing Google form link.

The Webinar started at 11 AM with a welcome address by Ms.Meena Jose Komban (HoD) and felicitation was delivered by Dr.Tomy Antony (Principal, YIMS). Later the session was taken by the Resource Person Mr. Shailendra singh, Vice President, Corporate Communications and Sustainability at EXL. After the session, students asked their queries and the resource person had cleared the queries. The webinar session was ended with a vote of thanks by Ms.Ramya R (Program Coordinator, Asst.Professor, Dept of CS).