
Department of Management -Webinar on- “Build Your HR Career Path”- December 11, 2020


With the support of ‘SAFE SOFTWARE AND INTEGRATED SOLUTIONS PVT LTD’, having resolute encouragement of our respected Director Rev. Dr. Mathew George Vazhayil, Principal Dr.Tomy Antony, Vice Principal Dr.Fr. Lalu Olikkal, a webinar was conducted to enhance the knowledge on Human Resource Management for our IIIrd year BBA students, the department of management studies has hosted on the following schedule and topic:
Topic: Build Your HR Career Path

Date: 11-12-2020
Resource Persons: Sini Thomas, & Sandeep K
Time: 2:15pm-3:15pm

About the speaker: Sini Thomas, Content Management Specialist and Sandeep K, Chief Happiness Manager from Safe Software and Integrated Solutions pvt Ltd. Safe Software And Integrated Solutions has established itself as one of the leaders in providing exceptional IT services and solutions in web, mobile, blockchain, IoT and other trending technologies.
For the webinar, the registration link was created using zoom platform and the same was circulated among students and faculties. More than 50 students have participated. The session was started with a silent prayer. The programme was anchored by shilpa ofIIIrdBBA. Anamika ofIIIrd BBA does the welcome address and Athira of IIIrd BBA delivered the vote of thanks. The programme was inaugurated by a Sini Thomas with her valuable words
From the webinar, students had the opportunity to understand the importance of human resource in the organisation. They went through a cheerful interactive session. Questions raised by the students were clearly reviewed by the resource persons. The session ended by feedbacks from the students, later followed by national anthem.