
WEBINAR ON “A PATHWAY TO RESEARCH GATE” Department of Management- October 22, 2020



The Department of Management, conducted a webinar on the topic A PATHWAY TO RESEARCH GATE for BBA Students via Google Meet on October  22nd 2020 from 10.00-11.00 am. The main objective of the webinar is to enrich the BBA Students of YIMS to  create a sense of a guidance and support for starting their project. Developing and maintaining undergraduate research programs benefits students, faculty mentors, and the university. Incorporating a research component along with a sound academic foundation enables students to develop independent critical thinking skills along with oral and written communication skills. Through this Webinar, we, the Department of Management enlighten the participants and made a detailed description in understanding.

The programme started with a prayer by Shahana of III BBA. The welcome speech was given BY Dr. Ramya J(Asst.Professor,Deptof Management). The presidential address was delivered by Rev. Dr. Mathew George Vazhayil ( Director, YIMS). Then the session was handled by the resource person Dr. Ponmeenakshi.(Associate Professor, Sri Ramakrishna College of Arts    &Science College, Coimbatore). Vote of thanks was given by Ms. Shilpa  of III BBA.

 In the Webinar  about 55 students joined from 2nd and 3rd year BBA.  A, Google meet code was provided to the participants by 9.45 am for Dr. Ponmeenakshi mam class session and the session started at 10.00 am and finished by 11.00 am. The programme wound by 11.10 by National anthem.