
Three Day National Workshop on Research Methodology and Data Analysis Using SPSS

The Three Day National Workshop on Research Methodology and Data Analysis Using SPSS was inaugurated on Sept 7th 2018 at Sophia Theatre, Christ Hill Block, Yuvakshetra College. Dr. G. SenthilKumar, Associate Professor, Department of Commerce and Management, YIMS, was the Convener and Mr. Joseph Varghese Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce and Management, YIMS, was the Co-Convener of the workshop. The workshop was attended by a total number of 19 participants from various states of India. The presidential address at the inaugural function was given by Rev. Dr. LaluOlikkal (Vice-Principal YIMS), the workshop was inaugurated by Rev. Dr. Mathew George Vazhayil (Director YIMS), and Felicitated by Prof. Uppath Sasidharan (P.G. Coordinator, Department of Commerce, YIMS). After the Inauguration a group photo was taken along with the participants.

On the First Day, Session-I began at 10.45 AM and was handled by Mr. Joseph Varghese who spoke on “An Insight to Research Methodology”. The Topics he Covered during the session were Research, Types of Research, Importance of Literatures in Research, Research Gap, Objectives, Hypothesis Formulating, Type 1 and Type 2 errors, Contents of a Report. After Lunch, Session-II was handled by Dr.G.Senthilkumar who spoke on “A Hand Shake with SPSS” covering the Topics Introduction and Practical Usage. The first day’s sessions came to an end at 4.30 PM, as per the time schedule.

On The second Day Sept 8th Session-III, entitled “On Hand Training” conducted by Mr. Joseph Varghese began at 9.30AM. The Topics Covered was Content Validity Ratio, Exploratory Factor Analysis, Normality Test and Interpretation. After Lunch session-III On Hand Training” continued and was handled by Dr.G.Senthilkumar. The Topics Covered were: Reliability analysis, Missing value, Frequency, Descriptive, Chi-Square Test, Missing value, Frequency, Descriptive, Chi-Square Test, and Interpretations and Discussion Session Independent Sample  T-Test, One Sample  T-Test, ANOVA, Regression, Correlation and Interpretations. The second Day’s programme was wrapped up at 4.30 PM as per the schedule. All the sessions were completed in an exemplary manner.

On The Final Day Sept 9th 2018 Session-V entitled “On Hand Practical”- Data Providing for Knowledge Evaluating and Discussions started at 9.30 AM, and was handled by both Dr.G.Senthilkumar and Mr. Joseph Varghese. For the participants, it was a great opportunity to test themselves on what was taught and learned by them, and to present the results in their practical.

The participants found the three day workshop very useful and gained excellent hands on experience. The workshop was satisfactory in all ways.