Anti Ragging Cell – Yuvakshetra Institute of Management Studies
At YIMS, we are committed to fostering a safe, inclusive, and respectful learning environment. The Anti-Ragging Cell plays a crucial role in ensuring that all students feel secure and supported throughout their academic journey.
Ragging, in any form, is a serious offense and is strictly prohibited on campus. It can have severe psychological, emotional, and academic consequences for students. To prevent such incidents, the Anti-Ragging Cell actively monitors and takes preventive measures while also addressing any complaints with the utmost seriousness.
Objectives of the Anti-Ragging Cell:
- To create awareness among students about the harmful effects of ragging.
- To establish a zero-tolerance policy against ragging through strict regulations.
- To provide a platform for students to report any instances of ragging confidentially.
- To take prompt and effective action against any reported cases.
- To foster a culture of mutual respect and camaraderie among students.
Anti-Ragging Cell
Convenor: Dr. Tomy Antony (Principal)
Co-convenor: Dr. M. Ramachandran
Mr. Aneesh CU
Mr. Anil Kumar B (Online Registration)
Ms. V. Grace Aganice
Mr. Mukundan MD
Ms. Athira KR (Documentation)
Mr. Josen P Jose (Non-Teaching Staff Representative)
Mr. Jimmy George (Representative of Local Media)
Mr. Haridas PV (Parent Representative)
College Union Chairperson
We encourage students to reach out to the Anti-Ragging Cell if they witness or experience any form of ragging. Together, we can build a campus where learning thrives in a safe and positive atmosphere. For any concerns or reports, please contact the Anti-Ragging Cell at
Internal Complaints Committee (ICC) – Yuvakshetra Institute of Management Studies
In accordance with the POSH Act, 2013 (Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace – Prevention, Prohibition, and Redressal), Yuvakshetra Institute of Management Studies has established an Internal Complaints Committee (ICC) to ensure a safe and respectful campus environment for female employees and students.
- Formulate and enforce policies against sexual harassment.
- Raise awareness about sexual harassment and promote gender sensitivity.
- Create a secure and inclusive campus environment.
- Prevent discrimination and harassment through gender amity.
- Address complaints promptly, ensuring support for victims and appropriate action against offenders.
What Constitutes Sexual Harassment?
Any unwelcome sexual behavior, including but not limited to:
- Physical contact and advances
- Requests for sexual favors
- Sexually colored remarks
- Display of pornography
- Unwelcome physical, verbal, or non-verbal conduct
The ICC is committed to handling complaints sensitively and ensuring a harassment-free academic and professional space.
Internal Complaints Committee (ICC)
Presiding Officer: Dr. Reneela P.
Dr. Jisha Sankar
Ms. Sreeja TS
Prof. TK Rajan
Adv. Reetha V
Fr. Justin Kolamkanny (Representative of NGO)
Ms. Jesna Joju (Non-Teaching Staff Representative)
Adv. Reetha V (Legal Advisor)
Ms. Arathy P (PG Rep. I MA Eng)
Ms. Treesa Mary Thomas (UG Rep. III B Com CA)
Students are encouraged to submit their complaints at Contact No: 8281412931 for swift action.
Student Grievance Redressal Mechanism – Yuvakshetra Institute of Management Studies
Yuvakshetra Institute of Management Studies has implemented an efficient system for resolving student grievances related to both academic and non-academic matters. The Grievance Redressal Cell addresses issues such as internal assessments, victimization, attendance, examination procedures, and other concerns to ensure timely and fair resolutions.
The core objective of this cell is to ensure equitable and impartial justice for all students, while promoting a positive and professional student-teacher rapport. Upon receiving a complaint, the committee undertakes a detailed inquiry and submits a report, recommending appropriate actions to the relevant authorities.
Students’ Grievance Redressal Cell Members
Dr. Rahul M. Ongungal (Convener)
Prof. T.K Rajan (HoD)
Dr. Keerthi MS (Female Teacher)
Ms. Pameela Johnson (College Council Member)
Mr. Jibin Joy (Staff Advisor)
Ms. Sujatha (Ward Member, Member of the Local Authority)
Mr. Midhun M (NSS Programme Coordinator)
Adv. Rev. Fr. Joby Kachapilly (Advocate)
Leo Paul (Student Representative, II M Sc Geography)
Students are encouraged to submit their grievances at Contact No: 9995107608 for swift action.
Sports committee is constituted in the college for the promotion of sports activities for the mental and physical fitness of students and staff. The vision of the sports committee is to organise sports, so the students can learn to keep themselves physically fit. It aims at enhancing the interest of the students in the field of sports. Sports committee has a clear intension on the level of commitment for sports from an extracurricular perspective. The committee headed by the HOD of Physical Education Department along with the General Captain organizes all the sports activities especially College Sports Day.
Sports Committee Members
Mr. Mukundhan – HoD of Physical Education (Convener)
Rev. Fr. Shaju Angeveettil (Finance Officer)
Rev. Dr. Lino Emmatty
Rev. Fr. Nidhin Maniyankerikalam
Mr. Midhun M
Ms. Radhika M. S
Leo Paul (General Captain)
National Service Scheme is sponsored by the Ministry of Human Resources Development and Department of Youth Affairs and Sports, Government of India. The NSS unit of Yuvakshetra Institute of Management Studies guides and motivates students to gain social knowledge and practice through community service, engaging them in activities for the upliftment of the underprivileged and developmental programmes of national importance.
NSS (Unit 1)-271 Committee Members
Mr. Midhun M (Programme Officer)
Ms. Anupama N (Asst. Programme Officer)
NSS (Unit 2)-342 Committee Members
Mr. Mahesh M (Programme Officer)
Ms. Deepika Kaniyath (Asst. Programme Officer)
YIMS Youth club “visionary sparks” aims to inculcate awareness about the role and responsibilities of the youth in society and environment. Youth can encompass ideas and enthusiasm in coming future. “ Visionary sparks” along with OISCA international women chapter Palakkad enrolls each student to be more vigilant and engage themselves towards a social responsibility to the green nature. Youth have multiple opportunities to acquire education, training, life skill development to succeed in jobs, carriers, self-sufficiency and adulthood.
Youth Club Members
Mr. Mahesh M -(Convener)
Dr. Keerthi MS -(Youth Club Advisor)
Ms. Anupama N
Mr. Cinto Vinson
Mr. Devanand. N -(Student Representative II B.Com CA)
An Electoral Literacy Club is a platform to engage students through interesting activities and hands-on experience to sensitise them on their electoral rights and familiarise them with the electoral process of registration and voting.
Election Literacy Club Members
Ms. Anjali KP -(Convener)
Ms. Reshma M
Ms. Anupama N
Ms. Fathimathu Shahina OA -(Student Representative II B Com CA)
Ms. Sanjana S -(Student Representative II B Com CA)
The Civil Service Club of Yuvakshetra Institute of Management Studies focuses on providing invited talks of eminent personalities as well as enriching sessions and activities on the significant topics appearing in Civil Service Examination to help the students pursue Civil Service as a career.
Civil Service Club Members
Ms. Sharon Stanly -(Convener)
Dr. Reneela P -(Joint Convener)
Mr. Cinto Vinson
Ms. Swethal Ramachandran
Mr. Prince Stanley -(Student Representative III B Sc Computer Science)
Ms. Lakshmipriya V -(Student Representative II BBA)
The Yuvakshetra Folklore Club, affiliated to the Kerala Folklore Academy, aims to immerse students in the rich tapestry of folklore and cultural traditions. The club offers a dynamic platform for students to explore, appreciate, and participate in diverse folklore related activities, enriching their understanding of cultural heritage. Additionally, the club strives to give a rebirth to forgotten folklore arts and culture, fostering awareness and appreciation within the broader society. Through these efforts, the club seeks to preserve and revitalize these invaluable cultural traditions for future generations.
Folklore Club Members
Dr. Vishal Johnson – President
Rev. Dr. Joseph Olikkalkoonal – Vice President
Mr. Sreekumar K – Secretary
Mr. Midhun M – Joint Secretary
Dr. Divya N.K – Treasurer
Young generation plays an important role in the construction of society. Youth is always in the forefront to mold and propagate the thoughts of their Era. Gender clubs in colleges aims to develop a well informed society regarding gender equality and related issues. Students of all gender can take membership in the Committe comprises of 4 members. All the activities are in association with the respective District mission and Snehitha Gender help desk.
Gender Club Members
Ms. Resmi Mol MC -(Convener)
Ms. Sabitha R
Ms. Sreeja TS
Dr. Krishna Praveen
Ms. Smrithi N
Dr. Siji George C G
Ms. Aleena K. Varghese