
One-day webinar on “GENDER EQUALITY” Women Cell –YIMS in association with Kerala State Women Commission


Women Empowerment and Gender Equality are the most essential factors for the enlistment and progress of our nation. In this regard the Women Cell of Yuvakshetra College takes its efforts to build a strong kernel of gender sentisitization among its students. It has been organizing various activities, cultural and social events for the upliftment of women and spread the real importance of gender equality among the college community.

The events of Women Cell for the Academic Year 2020-21 started with a ONE DAY WEBINAR ON ‘GENDER EQUALITY’ which was inaugurated by the chief guest,
Smt M.C. Josephine, Chairperson, Kerala Women’s Commission on 15th October 2020. The event was held through Google Platform and live streaming in the College Youtube channel. The resource person, for the day was Adv. Shiji Sivaji, Member Kerala Women’s Commission. The programme opened its wings by remembering the Almighty followed by the prayer by the choir group of the college. Ms. Sreeja T S, Chief Coordinator of Women’s Cell YIMS officially welcomed all the delegates and members to the programme. The inaugural address was delivered by, Smt: M.C Josephine. She touched on the, then and current affairs on attacks and rights denied for women. The message “A successful women is one who can build a firm foundation with the bricks others have thrown at her ” was pointed from her words. The Presidential address was delivered by the College Principal, Dr. Tomy Antony. The Keynote address for the Programme was rendered by the College Director, Rev. Dr. Mathew George Vazhayil. Empowering words and viewpoints on Gender Equality was delivered through a speech by the next resource person, Adv. Shiji Sivaji. Her words pointed out “People of good quality, respects women’s equality”. The felicitation of this remarkable event was conveyed by Vice Principal of the college, Rev. Dr: Lalu Olikkal. The organising Committee of the event includes Ms Sreeja, Ms Reshma and Ms V Grace Aganice along with the technical coordinators including Ms Deepthi, Ms Raji, Mr: Sujith and Mr Gireesh. More than 690 (Six Hundred and ninety) students participated in the event and submitted their response through the feedback link provided during the programme. There was an interactive session with both the resource persons and the students, in which many gave their positive remarks. At last the event was wrapped up by the vote of thanks delivered by the Chief student Coordinator of Women Cell, Sukrutha T S, (II BA English) followed by the National Anthem.

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