
National Statistics Day Celebration – One Day Webinar and Essay Competition- June 29, 2021

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National Statistics Day Celebration One Day Webinar and Essay Competition on 29 June 2021

The department of Mathematics celebrated National Statistics Day on 29th June 2021 by organizing a one Day webinar and an Essay writing competition. National Statistics Day is celebrated as a tribute to the father of Indian Statistics, Prof. P C Mahalanobis. His contributions were massive on the academic side as the builder of the Indian Statistical Institute, organizer of the Indian statistical systems, pioneer in the applications of statistical techniques for human efficiency to practical problems, architect of the Indian Second Five Year Plan, and much more. Statistical science was a virgin field and practically unknown in India before the twenties. The topic for the webinar was” DATA MINING: Exploiting the Diversity in your Data”. The resource person was Mr. Mahesh Divakaran, IBM certified Data Science Professional and Statistical Programmer at Genpro Research Trivandrum. UG, PG Students and Research Scholars of Statistics and Mathematics were the participants. Through this webinar we mainly aimed to provide the students with right content and context for Data mining. Data mining is a process where hidden data are analyzed according to multiple perspectives and turning those data into useful information and can be put into action. Through this webinar the students would be able to use data to draw defensible conclusions and use statistical tool knowledge and skills to make real-life more comfortable. The webinar was coordinated by Mr. Mahesh M, Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, assisted by Lintu Raj, and Ms. Shilpa S. Prof. T K Rajan,HoD, Department of Mathematics was the Convener of the programme. 317 members participated in the webinar. Faculties and students of our college and ST. Mary’s College, Puthananagadi attended the webinar. Feedback was collected from all the participants through live session. All the Participants and Resource persons were of good opinion on the webinar arrangement and sequential events. The webinar was the great ‘opportunity for the
participants including our students to enrich the knowledge in the present situation. The Essay competition was conducted for the students of all departments to generate interest and to enhance their knowledge in the field of Statistics. 14 students from various departments participated in the competition. The topic for the essay was “Role of
Statistics in Health Science”. Students included the current covid statistics in their essays to show the role of statistics in healthcare. All the students wrote the essays succinctly and to the point.