

The Department of Psychology of YIMS organized a 5-day National e Workshop on Research in psychology and Behavioural Sciences on 24th August 2020. The E Workshop was aimed to equip students, academicians and researches with understanding and skills that would aid in research and publishing. 1025 participants from all over the country and also from other nations like Philippines, UAE, Nepal and Bengladesh registered for the E workshop. Each workshop was enriched with knowledge and practical skill development by expert resource persons. Mr. Jith George (HoD, Dept. Of Psychology), Mr. Sannet Thomas(Programme coordinator); Ms. Aswathy M. (Assistant coordinator) ; Ms. Amritha Jacob (Student coordinator) and the organizing committee of the psychology department scheduled and monitored the event. Each session was plat formed on Google-Meet and streamed on YouTube Live.

DAY 1 (24/08/2020)

The focus topic was ‘Impotance, steps and scope of Research in Psychology and Behavioural Sciences’ by very renowed resource person Dr. Lalitha K. (Senior asst. Professor, Dwpt. Of Psychology, Yogi Vemana Univeraity, Andrapradesh). She has an impressive experience in teaching and research and procured many awards and academic distinctions. Day. 1 Workshop was hosted by Fathima najiya (3rd year, Bsc. Psychology student). Prayer lead by Harsha S. (2nd year, Bsc. Psychology student) marked the beginning of the workshop. Mr. Jith George (HoD, Dept. Of Psychology) delivered the welcome address, Rev. Dr. Mathew George Vazhayil (Director, YIMS) delivered the message and then the resource person took over the session. Dr. Lalitha K. brimmed the session with lots of information and skill understandings. She explored the importance, types,scope and systematic steps of research in psychology and behavioural sciences with high efficiency. Dr. Lalitha K. then cleared the doubts posted by participants which were sorted by the coordinators. The session was concluded with the Vote of Thanks by Ms. Amritha Jacob (Student coordinator).

The workshop secured mass positive feedbacks from the participants regarding the propitious of Resource person and coordination of the workshop.

DAY 2 (25/08/2020)
The day 2 session was conducted on 25th August, 2020 on the topic ‘Research Problems, Hypothesis Testing and Review of Literature’. The workshop was hosted by Remya Menon of 2nd year B.Sc. Psychology. It started with a brief introduction on the National E-Workshop and its objectives. Along with it an introduction on Yuvakshetra Institute of Management Studies was also given. This was followed by a few instructions to be kept in mind while attending the workshop and prayer by Harsh S. of 2nd year B.Sc. Psychology. The gathering was officially welcomed by Ms. Aswathy M., Assistant Professor and Assistant Programme
Coordinator of Yuvakshetra Institute of Management Studies. The duty of addressing the gathering was taken up by Dr. Tomy Antony, Principal of Yuvakshetra Institute of Management Studies.
This was followed by the session of the resource person Dr. Rekha K. S. visiting faculty of Department of Psychology Chinmaya Vishwa Vidyapeeth, Kochi on the topic ‘Research Problems, Hypothesis Testing and Review of Literature’. She began the session by defining research and managed to give basic and fundamental idea on the research processes. Some of the topic addresses were
• Steps in research process
• Formulating a research problem
• How to choose a research topic?
• How to work on literature review?
• Procedures of setting up a hypothesis and testing it?
• One tailed and two tailed tests?
She managed to cover so many dimensions and aspects of the topic giving examples at every point in the journey for better understanding and practical application.
Next was the doubt clearing session in which selected questions from the queries posted by the participant was answered by the resource person.
The workshop ended with the ‘vote of thanks’ by Sneha Sabu of 3rd year B.Sc. Psychology.

DAY 3 (26/08/2020)
The third day of the National- E -Workshop was hosted by Rithvika Ramal of 3rd year Bsc psychology. The session was conducted via Google Meet and was also streaming Live on YouTube. There more than 200 participants on the Google meet, the rest of the participants could attend the session via You Tube. The resource person of the third day was Mr. Raghavendra Prasad Shetty, who is the Asst. Professor of Department of Psychology, REVA University Bengaluru, Karnataka. He is the holder of Numerous accolades and various academic certifications. The topic of the day was “Research Designs and Sampling Methods”. The session commenced by 3:00 pm. It began with a wonderful Kannada prayer song by Harsha of Second year Bsc. Psychology. The welcome address was given by Ms. Ashwathy .M ,Asst. Professor of Department of Psychology. Then respected Vice- Principal Rev. Dr. Lalu Ollikal gave the message to our Participants. It was then followed by the session conducted by our respected resource person, Mr. Raghavendra Prasad Shetty. He showed us a great glimpse of his expertise in the field of research , by discussing about the fundamentals of research design and sampling, he explained every topic with perfect illustrations and he also simplified the perplexing topics and made it easy for every learner to absorb the information. Overall, it was a very informative session. We received spectacular feedbacks from our participants via the chat box of Google meet as well as YouTube, about the session. It was then time to clarify the doubts of the participants, Participants actively indulged in this session; selected questions were discussed and answered by the resource person. After that a special thanks was given by Mr. Sannet Thomas, Asst. Professor, Department of Psychology. And at last The Vote of Thanks, was given by Mr. Thomaskutty Philip, Of Third Year Bsc. Psychology. The session successfully ended on a high note of positivity by 4:30 pm. The attendance /feedback forms were shared at the end of the session. Every event was precisely planned and handled by The Department of psychology, Which comprised of efficient members like respected HOD , Mr Jith George, Mr Sannet Thomas, Asst. Professor ,Ms Amritha Jacob , Student Coordinator of the program. Our team tackled every technical issue with their competency and even managed the presentation of our resource person. On the whole, session went on smoothly with extreme ease.

DAY 4 (27/08/2020)
The topic of Day 4 (24/08/2020) was Tools and Techniques for Data Collection, by very renowned resource person Dr Sandeep Kumar, associate professor of the department of psychology, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi. He is member of several professional bodies and Associations such American Psychological Association, American Psychological Society, International Association of Applied Psychology, Asian Association of Social Psychology, National Academy of Psychology, Indian Academy of Applied Psychology, and Indian Academy of Health Psychology.
Day 4 workshop was hosted by Monisha. M (3rd year, B Sc psychology student) prayer lead by Harsha. S (2nd B Sc psychology student ) started the workshop. Mr Sannet Thomas (chief coordinator) deliver the welcome address. Resource person took over the session. Dr Sandeep Kumar shared lot of information with the participants. He shared the details about the data used, information regarding data, nature of data, collection of data, the purpose of data collection, factors to be considered before collecting data, source of data, data collections through schedules, precautions in the secondary data. He also cleared all the doubts raised by the participants which were sorted by the coordinators. The session was concluded with a vote of thanks by Ms Nikitha. S. Kumar (2nd year B Sc psychology student). The workshop secured a lot of positive feedbacks from the participants for such knowledgeable session and also for such a coordination of the workshop.

DAY 5 (27/08/2020)

The final day of the workshop conducted on 28 August 2020 was on the topic “Research Ethics and Writing Research Paper for Publications” handled by Dr. Tushar Singh. The session was hosted by N Thamanna Shireen of II BSc Psychology. The workshop commenced at 3pm with a prayer by Harsha. S of II BSc Psychology. The duty to officially welcome the audience was entrusted to Mr Jith George , HoD, Dept of Psychology. After the welcome address, the session began at 3:10 pm. Dr. Tushar Singh is currently working as Assistant Professor at the Department of Psychology, Banaras Hindu University. He handled the session very well. It was a very informative and enriching session for the research scholars and academicians. The effectiveness of the session was evident from the feedbacks of the participants. After the session, Mr.Sannet Thomas ,Assistant Professor and Programme Co ordinater ,Dept of psychology gave the thanking note. Participants found the the National E workshop extremely beneficial. The emcee wrapped up the 5 day E workshop with a thanking note. It turned out to be a fruitful and enriching session.