
MENAGERE’ 24 – Association Day (Dept. of Management)- February 28, 2024

a WhatsApp Image 2024-02-26 at 2.58.38 PMWhatsApp Image 2024-02-28 at 5.45.07 PM (1)WhatsApp Image 2024-02-28 at 5.45.10 PM (1)
The Department of Management in association with IQAC conducted Association day “MENAGERE 24” on 28th February 2024 at the Yuvachethana hall. The programme started at 10 am with a warm welcome of dignitaries  by wearing kerala sarees and carrying Plates filled with flowers and chirats by the selected students of the department. MC of the session was Chaithanya H of II BBA. Pavithra S sang a soothing prayer in the ceremony. The welcome speech was proposed by Ms Shylaja Menon, IQAC coordinator & HOD  of the Department of Management, followed by Department report presentation by Ms Pravitha D, Department Secretary of the Department of Management.The Presidential address was given by Dr Tomy Antony, Principal of YIMS, Followed by the keynote address of the beloved Director, Rev Dr. Mathew George Vazhayil. The ceremony was inaugurated by the eminent personality Dr. Cyriac Thomas, Former Vice Chancellor of MG University & Member of Minority Commission, India. The occasion was graced with the polite and humorous inaugural speech of the resource person. The Prizes for best grooming team classwise was awarded to II year BBA students and prizes for 100%  attendance was given to Megha C of I BBA, Sreelaya G of II BBA & Jayakrishnan KV of III BBA, during the function. The programme was felicitated by Rev Dr. Joseph Olikkalkoonal, Vice Principal, YIMS followed by the Vote of thanks of  Libin Shibu, Association Secretary of the Department of Management.The official session ended with the National Anthem.

After the official inaugural session Dr. Cyriac Thomas, the resource person of the Association Day took a session for the students entitled “STRATEGIES FOR SUSTAINABLE SUCCESS”. He discussed the importance of becoming an all rounder with live examples. He also provided tips for becoming a successful person and the importance of developing communication skills, developing professionalism and personality along with acquiring their degrees. He also added the importance of getting blessings from teachers in succeeding their career. It was an interactive session and all the students actively interacted during the session. After the session, sir invited Christo Sebastian of II BBA to sing a song. It was highly entertaining for the students. Around 150 BBA students attended the programme and the programme wound up at 12 pm.