Rev. Dr. Mathew george Vazhayil
“The greater our knowledge increases the more our ignorance unfolds”
(John F Kennedy)
Dear staff, Students and Parents,
Those who dream big and think positively will grow and prosper. Those who think negatively and refuse to take risk will get sallowed by life.
At the thrush hold of new academic year I welcome all Yuvakshetra family members with a warm heart. We teachers be a PATH for our students.
PATH: Pride, Achievement, Teamwork and Heart. We teachers and students are always striving for improvement: growing, learning, modifying and improving ourselves. A great mystery about humans is that we often confront learning opportunities with fear rather than mystery and wonder. We seem to feel better when we know rather than when we learn. We defend our biases, beliefs and store houses of knowledge rather than invite the unknown the creative and the inspirational.
Being certain and closed gives us comfort, while being doubtful and open gives us fear. We have been taught to value certainty rather than doubt, to give answers rather than to inquire, to know which choice is correct rather than to explore alternatives. Sometimes our child like curiosity has been extinguished.
Dear staff, we are participants not spectators. As we have taken the Oath. Let us strive our best to improve ourselves and use all opportunities for the intellectual, moral development of our students. Let us teach with heart, Let us work as a team and achieve our goals, so that the teachers and students become a pride to Yuvakshetra. Wish you all a fruitful and blessed academic year.