Department of Mathematics


Department of Mathematics started functioning as a separate department in YIMS from June 2017 onwards . From 2015 onwards, there were three faculties for taking Mathematics and Statistics courses offered in other programmes but was working under the Department of Computer Science. Department of Mathematics had its first batch admitted on June 2017 with 24 students and the department functioned with 5 faculties. In the year 2018 a second batch came with 23 students. In 2019-20 academic year, University permitted marginal increase and so the third batch was admitted with 29 students. In the same year, two more faculty posts were added. Now the department is furnished with well qualified faculties including two statistics faculties. The first outgoing batch of this department consisting of 23 students completed their programme in March 2020.

B.Sc. Mathematics programme offered in this college has Statistics and Computer Science as complementary courses. The department also offers complementary Mathematics including Linear Programming, Discrete Mathematics and Statistics courses for other disciples like Computer Science, Physics, Geography, Psychology and Hotel Management.

If you choose to pursue a B.Sc. in Mathematics, there will be a lot many options that you will be able to select. You can be a Mathematician, Chartered Accountant, Data Analyst, Programmer, Researcher, Teacher etc. The Government organizations like ISRO, DRDO, NAL, DST, IITs, IISc etc. are offering great job opportunities to students with good academic background in mathematics. Besides many private industries like IT Companies, Banks and Insurance, Biotechnology companies etc. are looking for persons who are skilled in mathematics.

Transform the students being capable of mathematical thinking in all their aspects of life especially in getting jobs where knowledge of Mathematics is an inevitable part.

  • To develop problem solving skill, logical reasoning, precise thinking in the study of Mathematics that help students for better personality development.
  • To achieve excellence in generating and propagating knowledge in Mathematics.
  • To provide an environment where students can learn, become competent users and understand the use of mathematics and its applications in other discipline.
  •  Demonstrate a solid understanding of rigorous mathematical proof. Students will be able to write clear well-organized and logical mathematical arguments..
  • An ability to identify, formulate, abstract, and solve mathematical problems that use tools from a variety of mathematical areas, including algebra, analysis, probability, numerical analysis and differential equations.
  • A deep understanding of at least one more area of specialization within mathematics or its applications.
  • Think in a critical manner. Know when there is a need for information, to be able to identify, locate, evaluate, and effectively use that information for the issue or problem at hand. Formulate and develop mathematical arguments in a logical manner.
  • Acquire good knowledge and understanding in advanced areas of mathematics and statistics, chosen by the student from the given courses.
  • Understand, formulate and use quantitative models arising in social science, business and other contexts.