Rev. Dr. Mathew George Vazhayil
Director, YIMS |
Dr. Tomy Antony |
Principal, YIMS
Rev. Dr. Joseph Olikkalkoonal |
Vice Principal, YIMS
Mr. Josen P Jose |
Superintendent, YIMS
Ms. Lintu Raj |
College Council Secretary, Asst. Professor, Department of Mathematics
Mr. Siby Mathew |
Head, Department of Hotel Management
Ms. Pameela Johnson |
Head, PG Department of English Language & Literature
Dr. Keerthi M. S |
Head, PG Department of Commerce
Ms. Rajitha Rajendran R |
Section Head, B.Com CA
Dr. Ramya J |
Section Head, B.Com Taxation
Ms. Shylaja Menon |
IQAC Co-ordinator & Head, Department of Management
Ms. Meena Jose Komban |
Head, Department of Computer Science
Dr. Praveen S |
Head, Department of Computer Application
Dr. M Ramachandran |
Head, PG Department of Geography
Rev. Dr. Gimmi Akkattu |
Head, PG Department of Psychology
Prof. T K Rajan |
Head, Department of Mathematics
Mr. Ajil K Antony |
Head, Department of Physics
Dr. Reneela P |
Head, Department of Chemistry