College Council

Name Designation
Rev. Dr. Mathew George Vazhayil Director, YIMS
Dr. Tomy Antony Principal, YIMS
Rev. Dr. Joseph Olikkalkoonal Vice Principal, YIMS
Mr. Josen P Jose Superintendent, YIMS
Ms. Lintu Raj College Council Secretary, Asst. Professor, Department of Mathematics
Mr. Siby Mathew Head, Department of Hotel Management
Ms. Pameela Johnson Head, PG Department of English Language & Literature
Dr. Keerthi M. S Head, PG Department of Commerce
Ms. Rajitha Rajendran R Section Head, B.Com CA
Dr. Ramya J Section Head, B.Com Taxation
Ms. Shylaja Menon IQAC Co-ordinator & Head, Department of Management
Ms. Meena Jose Komban Head, Department of Computer Science
Dr. Praveen S Head, Department of Computer Application
Dr. M Ramachandran Head, PG Department of Geography
Rev. Dr. Gimmi Akkattu Head, PG Department of Psychology
Prof. T K Rajan Head, Department of Mathematics
Mr. Ajil K Antony Head, Department of Physics
Dr. Reneela P Head, Department of Chemistry