
5 Day Training programme on LaTeX ,A Mathematical Language-10 to 14 August 2020



The department of Mathematics organized a 5 Day Training programme on LaTeX, a Mathematical Language from 10.08.2020 to 14.08.2020 (2 to 4p.m.), for PG Students, Faculties and Research Scholars of Mathematics and Science subjects.
This training programme was intended to equip the students with the skill for documentations in Mathematics and Science subjects. The sessions are practically oriented; through Moodle class, giving guidance on how to prepare article, project report, thesis, presentation slides, book etc in LaTeX. The participants were expected to use a laptop / desktop with MIKTEX and TEXMAKER installed during the interactive sessions.
First day of the training programme started at 1.45pm with a welcome address by Ms Sreeja T S (Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics) and official messages were delivered by Rev. Dr. Mathew George Vazhayil (Director, YIMS). ,Dr. Tomy Antony (Principal,YIMS) and Rev.Dr.Lalu Olikkal (Vice Principal,YIMS) . Prof. T K Rajan, HoD, Mathematics was the Convener and Resource person of this programme.
The training programme was coordinated by Ms. Sreeja T S, Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, assisted by Technical coordinators Ms. Shilpa S , Ms. Steeja I F and assistant coordinators Ms. Radhika V.S, Ms. Lintu Raj, and Mr. Mahesh M. The technical works like preparation of Google form for Data collection, Design of certificates, feedback etc. are hereby appreciated. .
We circulated the invitation and messages through Whatsaap and mail. More than 250 participants were registered and on an average 140 members participated in the webinar on each day. The programme was live streamed through Yuvakshetra You Tube channel. Feedback was collected from all the participants through Google form.
The training programme was the great opportunity for the participants including faculties and research scholars of various colleges and universities of Kerala to equip the skill of documentation and the mathematical software applications in the present situation. E-Certificates were issued to all the participants. It was a great experience for the participants. The training programme was a great success.

Ms. Sreeja

T S Prof. T K Rajan