

Peer Teaching
Peer means one that is of equal standing with another. It can be expressed as a group of people of approximately the same age, status and interests. The term “Peer Teaching/Learning” refers to situations where peers support each other in learning processes. Peer learning occurs among peers from similar social groupings, who are not professional teachers, helping each other to learn and in doing so, learning themselves. Here the experienced persons are motivating or helping the other one to be experienced. This also creates more opportunities for students to practice specific skills, which lead to better retention. The student tutor gains a deeper understanding of a topic by teaching it to another student.

We, the PG Department of Commerce, have organized 4 Day Peer Group Teaching programme to the higher secondary commerce students of St. Thomas convent HSS Olavakkode. We have organized it for 4 days, and 6 students shared the sessions on various topics. The school Management wished to have this tutoring programme for the real benefit for their plus one and plus two students. Through this online programme, we arranged 4 topics as “How to Crack Plus Two Exams” by Ms. Kavitha. J.V & Ms. Elsa Xavier, “Accountancy as a Gateway of Success” by Ms. Vishnupriya.K, “Economics as a Secret of Wealth” by Ms. Hridya. S, “Be a Perfect Business Engineer” by Ms. Srilatha. K & Ms. R. Gopika. These students are from Department of Commerce (II B.Com CA, 2019-2022 Batch). The peculiarity feature in this programme was that all the 6 resource persons are the authors of 2 Books with ISBN umbers in their graduation period itself.

The Books are (1) “50 THINKERS’ DAIRY” and (2) “RUDIMENTS OF ACCOUNTING”. Through these 4 days peer group teaching, our students utilize their opportunity to the maximum by providing more and additional knowledge related to examination tips, Accountancy, Economics, Business Studies subjects.

The higher secondary students have benefited with these sessions and from their feedback, we have understood that Peer Group Teaching was an “Informative Tool in Teaching-Learning Process”. Peer Tutoring allows for higher rates of students response and feedback, which results in better academic achievements. The participants enriched their knowledge in various fields not only about their chapters of study from their chapters but also to gain a general awareness about their board exams. The Peer Tutors motivated their juniors by inculcating about the various job opportunities related to commerce. The real strength of this programme was that to get an overview on the strength and weakness of each tutor and this identification will help them to improve their future career proceedings.

“Teaching Peers is one if the best ways to develop Mastery”
Peer Teaching - Group