
4 Day Knowledge Extension Programme @ Mary Matha HSS- March 22-25, 2021



“ Knowledge sharing is life with wings…..”
The Mary Matha HSS Pandalampadam has conducted a 4 Knowledge Extension Programme for Commerce Higher Secondary Students. The main vision of this programme was to enrich a participative teaching learning process among the UG students and higher secondary students. Through this webinar, we the P. G. Department of Commerce especially our II CA (3students) & III B.Com Finance B (1 student) enlightened our participants of Mary Matha school about the various techniques and subjects related to Commerce. In the 4 Day programme, 50 students participated and from their feedback, we understood that it was useful for them for their future commerce studies career .
MAIN THEME OF OUR PROGRAMME: “Teaching juniors is one of the best ways to develop mastery”

HOD – Dr. Matilda Danny

Programme & Technical co-ordinator – Ms. Keerthi. M. S

Day 1 Report: 22.03.2021 (Monday)

First day of the webinar started at 7pm with an introduction by Ms.Keerthi.M.S, Programme co ordinator. Next a welcome address by Mr. Gowtham Krishna of +1 commerce of Mary Matha school . A message is given by the Principal of Yuvakshetra College, Dr. Tomy Antony about the learning strategies and various process. Later the session was taken by the resource person by Ms. Hridya.S (II CA). She handled the session “Economics, as a secret of wealth” for 50 participants.
Highlights of the session:
Introduction to Economics
Importance of Economic wealth
Micro and Macro Economics
Levels of satisfaction in Economics
Role of Statistics
Budgeting control in the economy
Income level measurements scales
Budget line equations
Demand and supply of goods and services
Changes of Elasticities of income and demand

After the session, participants asked their queries and the resource person had cleared all doubts. we have ended our first day webinar at 8pm by giving an introduction to the next day resource person and topic.
Day 2 Report: 23.03.2021 (Tuesday)
Second day of the programme started at 7pm with a welcome speech by Ms. Anita Joseph, +1 commerce, Mary Matha school. An official message is given by Dr. Matilda Danny, HOD of Commerce, Yuvakshetra College. After that the session was handled by the resource person, Ms. Sikha.K.S (II B.Com CA). The Topic was “Career Opportunities in Commerce”. In this day she gave a lot of informations relating to lot of job opportunities and importance in Commerce stream.
Highlights of the session:
Introduction of Career studies
Scope of B.Com and BBA courses
Job opportunities in Commerce
Clasification of Management sectors
M.Com and MBA study nature
Law, Hospitality, Media, Designing , Defence, Social sectors
Courses in IIT’s
Top Universities
Tips to handle exam session to get success
A lot of queries were discussed after the class . This day also we had 50 participants. At last we concluded the second day session by a brief description about Day 3 programme details by 8pm .
DAY 3 Report: 24.03.2021 (Wednesday)
Third day of the programme started at 7pm with a welcome address by Mr.Albinus Tomy, plus one commerce, Mary Matha school. Later our Director Dr. Mathew George vazhayil, gave an official message to all participants about the importance of Commerce in social Process . Later the session was taken by the resource person Ms. H.Reshmi (III B.Com Finance B). She handled the session “ Accountancy as a Gateway of success” for 50 participants.
Highlights of the session:
Introduction to Accounting
Dominant topics of Accounting
Accounting principles and types
Golden rules of Accounting
Cash Flow Analysis statements, Depreciation adjustments
Final accounts of companies
Shares and its types
Importance of Debentures
Importance of exams and success
Contents of Financial Accounting, Corporate Accounting ,Cost Accounting and Management Accounting
Job opportunities in Accounting sector
After the session, participants asked their queries and the resource person had cleared all doubts about Accounting. we have ended our third day webinar at 8pm by giving an introduction to the next day resource person and their topics.
DAY 4 Report: 25.03.2021 (Thursday)
Fourth day of the programme started at 7pm with a welcome by Ms.Sreema, plus one Commerce, Mary Matha school. A official message was given by the Principal of Mary Matha HSS Pandalampadam. He appreciated the 4 resource person students of Yuvakshetra College about the pain they have taken for their higher secondary students. Later Our Vice Principal Dr. Lalu Olikkal gave an official message for the participants. Later the session was taken by the resource person Ms.Sniya.K.S (II B.Com CA ). She handled the session “Be a Perfect Business Engineer” for 50 participants.
Highlights of the session:
Introduction to Business
Thinker in management sector
Functions of Management
Importance of commerce in management
Fourteen principles of Henry Fayol
Famous Business thinkers in nation
Job opportunities in Business fields
Introducing the first book of II B.Com CA students” 50 THINKERS’ DAIRY”
How to crack Business studies in Exams

After the session, participants interacted with the resource person and they gave their feedbacks on chat boxes. we have ended our last day webinar at 8pm with an official vote of thanks by Ms.Vismaya, Plus one Commerce, Mary Matha HSS Pandalampadam.