Library Services

Book Borrowing & Lending Service

This service covers issue, return, renewal and reservation of documents to library members at the circulation counter. Members are eligible to get books issued for home reading for a specified period of time.

Online Book Search ( WEB OPAC)

Book search via the online public access catalog, ( OPAC) enables searching the library’s collection of books and other materials. Yuvakshetra Institute of Management Studies is using Koha Integrated Library system for book searching.

YIMS College Library Web OPAC

Literature Search

Library staff assists in searching the library for books, journals, etc. The Internet facility is also available which is gateway to literature. Conducting a literature search involves web-based search engines, i.e., Google, Google Scholar, etc., or using various electronic research databases.

Journal Sections

Library subscribes subject oriented journals and popular magazines based on the recommendations of library advisory committee and user requests.

Reference Service:

The reference desk of the library provides library users with direction to library materials, advice on library collections and services, and expertise information from multiple like encyclopedia, dictionaries, yearbooks, directories etc.

Reprographic Services: Photocopying, Scanning and printing facility is available for the students and staff at the library. All such services are subject to the provisions of the existing Copyright law.

E- Journal Search:

Library Network Resource Centre provides e-journals search facility, via DELNET and NILST INFLIBNET.

CD/DVD ROM Search:

Library users can use the CDs and DVDs available in the library for reference purposes.


N-LIST stands for “National Library and Information Services Infrastructure for Scholarly Content”. It is funded by the MHRD to extend access to selected e-resources to colleges. The browse and search interface allows one to search e- journals and back issues and subscribed resources under the consortium for registered colleges. YIMS Central Library is a member of NLIST-INFLIBNET. Users can search for journal titles, words in title and publishers. Library users can register for this facility via a formal request to the librarian and obtain an individual username and password.


YIMS Library is a member of Developing Library Network (DELNET) which offers access to resources of other libraries in India. DELNET provides e-resources to users. DELNET Union Catalogue is available at For username and password contact the librarian.


It is possible to borrow books from other libraries on via inter library loan for research purposes via DELNET, if the title cannot be made available in the Library. Photocopy /printout from journals not available in the College Library can be requested from other Libraries. DELNET levies a nominal charge towards photocopying and postage for each request.